No matter if you are an inventor, entrepreneur, or visionary, getting a patent on your idea is worth considering. But when it comes to the specifics of how to patent an idea in New York, the process of can be intimidating or confusing to many people. So how do you begin? What should you consider? This article seeks to answer your questions about the how and why of patenting an idea in the State of New York.

What is A Patent?

Before you begin your journey through the patent process, it is helpful to understand what a patent is. A patent is an intellectual property right granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) that allows an individual or organization to protect their inventions from being made, used, sold, or imported without their consent. It also grants the person or group exclusive rights to their invention, which means that only they can make, use, sell, or import it, for a period of up to 20 years.

Patents can be effective tools for preventing competitors from copying or profiting from your inventions. Further, they can also help you to build financial value for the company by encouraging venture capital investments and licensing deals.

What Are the Steps to Patent A New Idea in New York?

Now that you understand what a patent is, let’s look at the process of what it takes to get a patent in New York. The steps that you take to obtain a patent in New York can range from the very basic to the complicated, depending on the nature of the invention. In general, the process includes the following:

Step 1: Conduct a Patentability Search

The first step you should take before filing a patent application is to conduct a patentability search. This will help you identify prior patents that could serve as an obstacle to your process by already claiming the invention. It is important to do a thorough search to make sure that your invention isn’t overlapping with any of the patents that have already been issued.

Step 2: Prepare and File a Patent Application

The next step is to prepare a patent application, which is a written description of your invention that includes diagrams or drawings that depict the invention. Your patent application must meet USPTO requirements in order to be eligible for patent protection. Additionally, you must pay any fees associated with filing the application.

Step 3: Receive Response from USPTO

Once your application is filed, you will receive a response from the USPTO, which could take up to several months. The response to your application depends on the scope of the invention and the amount of prior art that is found in the patentability search.

The USPTO will either approve your application, reject it, or require you to make changes in order to meet the criteria for an issued patent. If your application is in order, the USPTO will issue you a patent number.

Step 4: Get Professional Legal Guidance

While you are learning how to patent an idea in New York, it is important to seek out professional legal guidance to ensure that your invention is properly protected. An experienced business lawyer can help you make sure that you are following the required steps and that you are filing your application in the most efficient and effective manner. Working with a lawyer can be especially beneficial if you plan to start a business based on the invention, as he or she can assist you with any other legal matters associated with the venture.

Why Get a Patent in New York?

The process for obtaining a patent in New York has some unique advantages that appeal to inventors, companies, and entrepreneurs alike. Patent protection can help you secure more:

Investment Opportunities: A patented idea can often open the door to venture capital investments, as it is seen as a credible and attractive option.

Competition: A patent prohibits competitors from copying your idea, which helps to establish your business as a leader in the industry.

Income: A successfully patented invention provides a great opportunity to monetize your idea through licensing deals.

Peace of Mind:

Patents provide inventors with peace of mind that their hard work and ideas are being protected.


Obtaining a patent on an idea in New York is no easy task, but with the right legal guidance and an understanding of the process, you can set your invention on a successful path. With the ability to prevent competitors from copying your product or idea, patent protection provides a great opportunity to monetize your invention and establish your business as a leader in industry.

If you are ready to get started on this process, be sure to work with an experienced business attorney who can help to ensure that the application is properly filed and that other legal aspects of your business are in order.



Patent an Idea,

New York