Believed to first appear in English during the 1700s, the verb "desist" can be translated from Old French derivatives as "to stand still," and it has since been used in a number of contexts. This legally-oriented article will give New York-based readers an overview of some common questions related to the meaning of "desist," and offer insight into the advice of UpCounsel's experienced business lawyers.

Though the concept of desist has many potential implications, it is most commonly interpreted as a directive for an actor to stop a specified course of action, either temporarily or permanently. Knowing the potential implications of this term is essential for anyone who works in business, contracts law, tort law, or any other field incident to the legal system.

In the following sections, readers will explore some of the most common questions asked about the meaning of desist, as well as the benefits of hiring a lawyer to ensure competent legal proscription.

What Does Desist Mean in a Legal Context?

In a legal context, the verb "desist" usually refers to a court order directed at one or more actors that serves to command them to cease illegal activity, or activities that could amount to a legal tort or offense. The term "desist" is also sometimes used to denote a voluntary agreement that one actor will refrain from engaging in a certain action.

What Kinds of Activities Can Be Subject to Desist Orders?

Desist orders can cover a wide range of activities, including activities that could amount to a legal tort or for which some type of restitution is owed. s include activities like infringement on copyright, intellectual property or trade secrets, libelous or defamatory behavior, spamming, harassment, and the like.

What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Lawyer to Address Desist Issues?

Involving a business lawyer in desist matters is highly advisable, as the attorney can ensure that the course of action taken is appropriate, ethically sound, and legally demonstrable. Business lawyers can provide expert guidance and support in drafting a desist letter, as well assessing the legal implications of any existing desist letters. Furthermore, a lawyer's understanding of legal precedent and nuances related to the local jurisdiction could save a business a tremendous amount of time and money, which can be beneficial when initiating or responding to a desist order.


Desist is a term with many possible implications, though in a legal context, it is usually interpreted as a court order directed at one or more actors that serves to command them to cease illegal activity, or activities that could amount to a legal tort or offense. The benefits of hiring a lawyer to address desist issues are numerous, and could save a business a tremendous amount of time and money. New York-based readers have access to UpCounsel's experienced business lawyers, should they require expert legal counsel for a desist order.


Desist Meaning,

Legal Desist,

Business Lawyer