As a business owner, the importance of proper trademark enforcement to protect your brand is critical. But understanding everything involved in registering and protecting trademarks can be tricky, especially in the state of Texas. In order to better understand the basics of registering marks and how to protect them, here are some frequently asked questions that businesses in Dallas should be aware of when seeking legal understanding of registered marks.

What is a Registered Mark?

A registered mark is a type of trademark that is protected under the law. This type of trademark protection allows the owner of the mark to enforce their rights in the public market, and it can usually be enforced both federally and in state courts. The owner of the registered mark can also be eligible for certain benefits, such as protection from others who might attempt to use their mark without approval or authorization.

How Does the Process of Registering a Mark Work?

In order to register a mark, the owner of the mark must first complete a trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This application should include all pertinent information about the mark, such as the owner's name and the nature of the mark. Additionally, an application fee must be submitted along with the application.

Once the application is approved, a certificate of registration is issued to the applicant. This certificate helps to provide proof that the mark is registered and officially protected under the law. The holder of the registered mark is then allowed to use the symbol ® next to their mark, to differentiate it from other trademarks and brands that might be similar in appearance.

How Long Does It Take to Register a Mark?

The process of registering a mark in Dallas can take between six and nine months. The time taken to receive a certificate of registration can also vary depending on the number of applications that are pending and the complexity of the mark being registered. In order to expedite the process, it may be beneficial to consult a lawyer or legal expert who is familiar with the area laws.

What is Fair Use?

The concept of fair use allows for certain types of uses of a trademark without the permission of the owner. This includes the use of the mark in certain circumstances, such as for news reporting and for parody. Additionally, descriptive use of the mark in certain contexts is also considered fair. It is important to note, however, that it is up to the owner of the mark to decide whether or not there has been a fair use of the mark.

What Are Some Common Misconceptions About Registered Marks?

One common misconception about registered marks is that they cannot be modified or changed in any way. The truth is that although the USPTO requires that a mark remain substantially unchanged in order for it to remain registered, certain minimal changes are allowed. It is also not true that a registered mark conveys the exclusive right to use it. Although the owner has the right to take action against any unauthorized uses of a registered mark, any other uses of the mark may not be prevented by law.

What Should I Do If Another Business is Infringing on My Registered Mark?

If you believe that another business is infringing on your registered mark, you should take legal action as soon as possible. This may involve filing a lawsuit or bringing a claim to the USPTO to have the infringing mark cancelled or restricted in some way. It is important to note, however, that the burden of proof is on the owner of the mark to show that the infringing mark has caused irreparable harm or that it was being used with deceptive intent. Consulting with a lawyer or legal expert who is familiar with the laws in the area is key to protecting one's mark from infringement.


registered mark,


mark infringement