When it comes to buying and selling real estate in New York, understanding the quit claim deed process is an important element of the transaction. In this article we will look at the answers to some frequently asked questions related to quit claim deeds in New York. These questions will cover topics such as what a quit claim deed is, when it should be used, and the legal and regulatory pitfalls to be aware of.

A quit claim deed is a legal document that transfers ownership of real estate from one person to another. It conveys to the new owner all “claims” the original owner had to the property. It should be noted, however, the quit claim deed does not convey warranty or title and the new owner cannot sue the former owner for any title-related issues.

When should a quit claim deed be used? The most common use of a quit claim deed in New York is for transfers between family members, such as a parent to a child or one spouse to the other during a divorce. It is also used in cases of partnership dissolution or bankruptcy, when the property is being sold or when creditors need to be paid out.

Given the nature of the transaction, it is important to understand the legal and regulatory aspects of obtaining and executing a quit claim deed. In New York, the transfer of a quit claim deed must be formally recorded with the county registrar, where the property is located. The deed must include certain information, including the names and signatures of both parties involved in the transaction, the transferor and transferee, as well as a description of the property. It is also important to make sure that the transaction is properly notarized.

Another important consideration when transferring ownership of real estate is taxation. In New York, the transfer of a quit claim deed is subject to a tax at the time of the transfer, which is often called a “transfer tax”. The size of the tax will depend on the size of the transaction, the size of the property involved, the location of the property, the state the property is located in, as well as other factors.

Finally, legal counsel is often necessary when dealing with quit claim deeds. This ensures that all aspects of the transaction are in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. When looking for legal counsel, it is best to find an experienced attorney who is familiar with local regulations in New York. UpCounsel’s network of experienced legal professionals can provide the high quality legal services needed to address the questions related to quit claims.

In summary, quit claim deeds are an important legal document related to the buying or selling of real estate. When transferring ownership of real estate in New York, it is important to understand the quit claim deed process and any associated legal and regulatory issues. Seeking legal counsel, familiar with local regulations, can help ensure that all aspects of the transaction are properly addressed.


Quitclaim deed,

New York real estate,

Legal counsel