Cease and Desist orders are legally enforceable documentaries from courts of law served to individuals or corporations instructing them to stop engaging in any particular activities or risk being brought before the court and sued. They can be issued by the court to stop illegal activities or activities that the court finds to be in violation of some laws or regulations. In New York, if you are looking for counsel to help you understand and handle cease and desist orders, UpCounsel’s network of experienced attorneys has you covered. Whether you’re an individual, a small business or a Fortune 500 company, UpCounsel can provide experienced legal services.

When dealing with a Cease and Desist Order, it is important to be aware of the questions that are commonly asked, and the answers to those questions. Having an understanding of these questions and answers can help you navigate any situation that incorporates a Cease and Desist Order in New York.

What is a Cease and Desist Order?

A Cease and Desist Order (C&D) is a legal order issued to an individual or business by a court of law instructing them to stop engaging in a particular activity or face legal action. The activity can be an unlawful activity, or it can be an activity deemed to be in violation of certain laws or regulations. The order can be issued by the court to an individual or business through their lawyer.

What Types of Activities Does a Cease and Desist Order Stop?

A Cease and Desist Order can be requested to stop any activity deemed to be illegal or in violation of the law. This includes activities such as copyright infringement, trademark infringement, slander, libel, unfair competition, and deceptive practices.

What are the Consequences of Not Abiding by a Cease and Desist Order?

If you do not abide by a Cease and Desist Order, you can be held liable for the consequences. The potential consequences of not abiding by a Cease and Desist Order can include monetary damages, punitive damages, attorney’s fees, interest, and other statutory or court-imposed penalties. In some cases, you may even be held in contempt of court, which can have more serious consequences.

Can a Cease and Desist Order Be Legally Challenged?

Yes, a Cease and Desist Order can be legally challenged, either by the party receiving the order or a third party. If you receive a Cease and Desist Order that you believe was issued in error, it is important to discuss the situation with an experienced attorney. In some cases, it may be possible to challenge the order in court and have it overturned.

What is the Difference Between a Cease and Desist Order and a Cease and Desist Letter?

A Cease and Desist Order is a legally enforceable court order issued through a lawyer, while a Cease and Desist Letter is an informal document sent to an individual or business asking them to refrain from certain activities. A Cease and Desist Letter does not have the same legal enforcement as a Cease and Desist Order and is not a court document.

Can a Cease and Desist Letter or Order Legally Stop an Activity?

Yes, a Cease and Desist Letter or Order can legally stop an activity if it is deemed illegal or in violation of the law. The difference between a Cease and Desist Letter and a Cease and Desist Order, though, is that a Cease and Desist Order carries much more enforcement and legal weight than a Cease and Desist letter.


Cease and Desist Order,

Legal Challenged,

Cease and Desist Letter