The term “fair use” is a vague legal phrase, but its importance is clear in the corporate business sector. Fair use is a key concept that protects anyone who uses copyrighted material for research, commentary, or educational purposes. It can also be used to share, edit, or illustrate content. Companies must understand how to properly use copyright materials while abiding by the law, or they can find themselves in serious legal trouble. Understanding the top five things to consider when determining fair use can help safeguard businesses in Los Angeles as they develop their services.

When considering a fair use defense, there are two main criteria that should be taken into account: the purpose and character of the use and the nature of the copyrighted material being used. Additionally, the amount of the material used and the effect of its use on the marketability of the original work should be evaluated. Working with an experienced business attorney can help companies accurately make their case to the copyright holders to ensure their use is deemed legal.

The criteria for fair use can be divided into four parts: purpose and character of the use, nature of the copyrighted work, amount of the copyrighted work used, and the effect on the market value of the original work. To better understand these concepts, here is a breakdown of the top five things to consider when determining fair use:

1. Purpose and Character: When suggesting fair use, the purpose and character of the proposed use must be considered. This means that rather than simply copying someone’s work, users should add new elements to the material and transform it into something new. Additionally, the use should be for nonprofit purposes and provide a benefit to the public that the original work wouldn’t have had. Courts look at the purpose and character of the use when considering whether or not it is a fair use.

2. Nature of the Copyrighted Work: The nature of the copyrighted work is an important factor in determining fair use. While some materials may be more difficult to work with than others, such as copywritten software, courts take into account how the skill and effort required to create the copyrighted work.

3. Amount Used: The amount of the copyrighted work used is an influential factor when examining fair use. Generally speaking, the amount used must be limited to a “normal amount” or whatever amount is necessary for what the fair user needs to accomplish. In most cases, anything beyond a limited amount of the copyrighted work could be seen as copyright infringement.

4. Effect on Market Value: This criterion considers how the use of the copyrighted work will affect its potential market value or the market for similar materials. Often, when a copyrighted work is used in a transformative manner it can actually help to enhance the market value of the material because of the extra exposure. In other cases, use of a work could cause the potential market to be saturated and cannibalize the materials potential for profit.

5. Expert Legal Counsel: When making a fair use case, it is important to work with an experienced legal counsel who understands the local regulations in Los Angeles. This is especially important in cases where there is a dispute, as an experienced lawyer can help to protect the fair user’s rights, or evaluate options for resolving the dispute.

When used responsibly, a fair use defense can help businesses and individuals to use copyright material in responsible and legal ways. However, when determining fair use each of the four criteria must be taken into consideration and businesses should also consult with experienced legal counsel who understand the local laws. With the proper knowledge and support, companies can better protect themselves while legally using copyrighted material.


Fair Use,

California Business Law,

Corporate Legal Services