Fiduciary duty is a term used to refer to the loyalty and trust that certain individuals should give to their clients, but how does it apply to business owners, in particular, in the greater Los Angeles area? Understanding the ins and outs of what a fiduciary duty means is essential for business owners in the “City of Angels,” as it helps to ensure they are familiar with the standards by which they should conduct themselves and their businesses.

A fiduciary duty is a unique legal concept that relies on the relationship between two parties. There is usually one person who is in a superior position to the other and who, as a result, is legally bound to look after the interests of the other. This means that the person or entity that holds the fiduciary relationship must act in a way that is in the best interest of the other person, without regard for their own interests. Generally speaking, in Los Angeles, fiduciary duty is most commonly seen in matters of business, and specifically those that involve a direct relationship between an employer and employee.

Under California law, it is both the responsibility and the legal obligation of the employer to always act in good faith towards an employee and to ensure that all fiduciary relationships are conducted in such a way that the interests of the employee are always placed at the top, rather than the employer’s interests. Fiduciary duty requires employers to be ethical and honest in their dealings with employees, while also providing them with all the information they require to make an informed decision.

The types of duty that an employer owes to their employees can range from basic duties of trust and confidence (which are found in virtually all fiduciary relationships under law) to more specific duties such as loyalty, disclosure, and adherence to the relevant laws. Additionally, fiduciary duty also requires employers to ensure that their employees receive a fair and just compensation for the work they do.

Fiduciary duty can be breached in several ways, such as when an employer fails to act in the interests of their employees or when they do not follow their duties of disclosure or confidentiality. When a fiduciary duty is breached, it usually has serious repercussions for both parties, but especially for the employee. In fact, it is not unusual for an employee to sue their employer in a breach of fiduciary duty case.

When it comes to understanding fiduciary duty in Los Angeles, it is important to remember that it is not just the responsibility of employers but also of every person in a fiduciary relationship. It is essential that both parties understand their responsibilities so that they can ensure that their interests are always being looked after correctly.

If you are looking for experienced lawyers in the Los Angeles area who understand the nuances of local regulations related to fiduciary duty, UpCounsel’s network of experienced attorneys has you covered. UpCounsel’s attorney community provides high-quality, cost-effective legal services to small businesses, Fortune 1000 companies, and companies of all sizes. You can access our network of attorneys on-demand and they each come with profiles that show recent client ratings and reviews.

Understanding and correctly following fiduciary duty is essential for everyone in a position of power, including employers, so that both the employer and the employee can feel secure that their interests are being taken care of in the right way. UpCounsel’s attorneys are here to ensure that your fiduciary relationship is in compliance with Los Angeles regulations, and that all parties have their interests taken into account.


fiduciary duty,

Los Angeles,

business owners