An offer letter is a crucial document for both the employer and employee. It is an agreement between two parties that states the terms and conditions of a job offer. As such, an offer letter should contain specific details that cover the job position, salary, employee benefits, and other important information. By outlining these details, both employers and potential employees are assured they understand the same job responsibilities and know the pay and benefits they'll receive.

If you're in New York and are looking for the right legal counsel to understand local regulations regarding offer letters, the experienced attorneys from UpCounsel can help. Small businesses, startups, and Fortune 1,000 companies trust UpCounsel to provide high-quality and cost-effective legal services. With UpCounsel’s online lawyers, you'll have access to business attorneys with an average of 14 years of experience and to profiles of lawyers which display reviews and ratings of their recent work.

This guide, provides an overview of what an offer letter should contain and how to ensure it's legally binding. We'll start by looking at what to include in an offer letter and then outline how best to draft a sound agreement.

What to Include in an Offer Letter

The goal of an offer letter is to make sure that both parties understand their respective obligations. Here are the key items to include in an offer letter:

Job Position: Describe the job that you are offering the employee and list its title and duties.

Commencement Date: Decide when the employee is expected to report for work and the date that they will begin their new job.

Compensation: State the employee's wage and how often they will be paid, such as weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Also include any other compensation they may be eligible for, such as bonuses, commission, paid holidays, and vacation pay.

Benefits: Detail any benefits the employee will receive, such as health insurance, death or disability benefits, retirement plans, and other company-sponsored benefits.

Length of Employment: Explain if the job is considered a permanent or probationary position. Detail how long the probationary period is and any conditions for the employee to remain in the job. Mention if the job is considered at will, allowing either party to terminate the employment whenever necessary.

Terms and Conditions: Clarify all the parameters of the job and the employer’s expectations. This includes the hours worked, job location, the termination clause, and other relevant regulations.

Employer and Employee Responsibilities: State which specific duties are expected from the employee, and what the employer will supply to ensure they can meet those duties. This could be anything from office supplies to technology resources.

How to Draft a Legal Offer Letter

When drafting the offer letter, make sure to include all the important elements listed above. These elements will create a legally binding agreement, provided that the other party signs and agrees to it. Here are a few other tips to ensure that the offer letter is legally sound:

Avoid Writing in Legalese: Legalese can be difficult to understand, so it’s best to keep the offer letter straightforward and understandable. Use clear, simple language to explain the offer and any terms or conditions.

Include a Waiver of Liability: Include a waiver in the offer letter that states the employer is not responsible for any damages the employee may suffer in the future. This helps protect the employer from any potential lawsuits.

Ensure the Statement is Accurate and Complete: It’s important that the offer letter has been carefully considered and accurately reflects the worksite and job position. Before signing the contract, verify that all statements made in the letter are truthful and accurate.

Make Sure Both Parties Sign: Before either side can terminate the agreement, both parties need to sign the offer letter, indicating they have accepted the terms. Both parties should retain a copy of the letter for their records.

Offer letters provide both employers and potential employees with the details about a job offer, ensuring that both parties understand their responsibilities and obligations. When drafting an offer letter, make sure to include all the necessary details, and have both parties sign it before the agreement is legally binding.

For high quality and cost-effective legal services, UpCounsel’s business attorneys are the perfect fit for any size of business. With an average experience of 12 years in law, UpCounsel’s attorneys provide the expertise necessary to ensure that your offer letters meet all regulations and provide you with the necessary legal protection.


Offer Letters,

Employer Obligations,

Employee Responsibilities