When it comes to running a startup in Los Angeles, drafting an appropriate employment contract should be top of list for your legal to-do’s. A tailor-made contract will not only help you organize the intricate terms of the employment relationship between you and your employees, it will also protect your business and cover you in case of a legal dispute.

But where do you start with such an important task? Drafting an employment contract that’s comprehensive should involve the help of a lawyer or employment lawyer who understands employment law. This article is here to provide a mini-guide to contract basics so you know what to look for in order to make the most of hiring potential.

So, What Exactly Is an Employment Contract?

At its most basic, an employment contract is a legal document that contains the conditions of employment. It outlines the arrangement between you, as the employer, and your employee in an agreed upon way. An employment contract typically contains information such as job title, job description, remuneration, duties, probationary periods, working hours, holiday time, workplace policies, and other important details of the employment relationship.

It’s important to remember that an employment contract cannot include any terms and conditions that contradict the law. However, it’s still important to ensure that the document is legally binding in terms of stipulating the rights and duties of both parties. This means that you should always consult a qualified lawyer to ensure that your employment contracts follow the law.

Do I Need an Employment Contract in Los Angeles?

In Los Angeles and other California cities, employers are legally required to enter with each employee into a written employment agreement specifying certain things, such as wages, hours of work, and terms of severance. These agreements are not required to be written, however.

In the United States, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) governs minimum wage regulations and requires that employees be paid minimum wage and overtime in accordance with the federal law. It also requires employers to key in detail how workers will be compensated and any expenses that may be reimbursed.

The California Labor Code also requires employers to pay minimum wage and overtime pay, but California's minimum wage is higher than the federal minimum wage. This means employers in Los Angeles need to keep abreast of the local labor regulations to ensure compliance with state and federal law.

What Should Be Included in an Employment Contract?

When it comes to employment contracts there is no one-size-fits all model. A contract should always be tailored to the individual employee, and custom made to the particulars of the employment relationship. That being said, there are some key elements that should always be included in an employment contract for startups in Los Angeles:

• Job title and job description: This sets out what the employee’s job entails as well as the role they are expected to fill. It is important to clarify the duties and obligations the employee is expected to fulfill in the workplace.

• Remuneration and expenses: This is the salary or wages the employee will be paid as well as any bonuses or incentives, as well as any expenses that may be paid by the employer.

• Working hours: This outlines the hours worked by the employee whether it is full-time, part-time or temporary. It is critical to clarify when, for example, employees can take lunch or vacation time, and other break times.

• Probationary period: This is the amount of time a new employee works at the company without the offer of permanent employment. This allows the employer to ensure that the new hire is a good fit before officially committing to an offer.

• Termination or severance: This is important to avoid any potential disputes in the termination of the employment. This may include termination pay, termination for cause or without cause, the procedures for performance reviews, notice of termination, and so on.

• Non-disclosure agreements: These agreements protect any confidential information of the employer. It is important to include these to safeguard confidential information, trade secrets, and intellectual property.

• Non-compete agreements: This prevents an employee from competing directly with the company after termination of employment.

Closing ideas

Employment contracts are crucial documents for employers, especially in the Los Angeles area. In order to ensure that your contract is legally compliant and up-to-date, you should seek the specific advice and counsel of a qualified labor and employment lawyer who understands local regulations. Once you have secured the perfect person for the job, it is important to have a comprehensive and legally enforceable employment contract drawn up to both protect your business, and your employee.


Employment Contracts,

Los Angeles,
