Promissory notes are a type of contractual agreement between a lender and borrower that outlines the details of a loan. In order to protect yourself and your business’s interests, if you are the lender, or if you are the borrower and need assurance that the lender will hold up their end of the deal, it's important to secure and execute a promissory note template as part of the loan process.

If you are located in New York and you and the other party(s) are interested in creating a promissory note, you must follow the guidelines of New York law and regulations. To understand the legal terms and remain compliant, it is important to consult with knowledgeable business lawyers. To help answer general questions on how to craft a promissory note in the state of New York, the below text shares some of the most commonly asked questions regarding the process.

Who needs a promissory note?

Any party involved in a loan agreement should consider creating a promissory note template, as both borrower and lender are legally protected. A promissory note should outline both the borrower and lender's obligations, the terms of the loan, how it will be paid back, when it will be paid back, the interest rate, etc. Promissory notes in New York should also be signed by both parties.

When is a Promissory Note Required?

Promissory notes are a necessity in any large loan situation. It is mandatory if the loan involves at least $500, and is considered best practices if the loan involves any amount of money.

What information should be included in the Promissory Note?

A promissory note should include the following information:

- The name and address of both the borrower and the lender

- The date the note was written

- The amount of the loan

- The method in which the loan will be paid back

- The interest rate

- A fee schedule

- The terms of the loan

- Whether the loan is secured or unsecured

- A statement that the note is in accordance with New York law

What is secured loan?

A secured loan is when the borrower has given a pledge of collateral to the lender. This collateral gives the lender a measure of assurance that the loan will be repaid. The most common forms of collateral are real estate, stocks and bonds, and business assets.

What is an unsecured loan?

An unsecured loan is given without any guarantee of repayment from the borrower. These loan agreements rely solely on the borrower's promise that they will pay the loan back.

Can a Promissory Note be enforced in court?

Yes, a promissory note can be enforced in court in the state of New York, provided that it has been properly drafted, and the terms of the agreement are in accordance with state law. The note should also have been signed by both parties either in person or via a private electronic signature, as this further strengthens the enforceability of the agreement.


Creating and enforcing a promissory note is an important part of protecting your business’s financial interests. Given the legal complexities of crafting and signing a note in the state of New York, it is always best to consult with experienced business attorneys. Regardless of whether you need a one-time consultation or an entire freelance legal department, UpCounsel's network of experienced lawyers can provide the legal services and advice that meets your business's needs.


Promissory Note Template,

New York,

Business Lawyers