When beginning the process of setting up a limited partnership (LP) in Dallas, or as a part of Texas business law, there are a few key points to be aware of. Consider the following five points, and then explore all the options available. UpCounsel can provide experienced legal counsel to understand in detail the nuances of local regulations and any tax implications that may arise from your end.

A limited partnership, known as an LP, is a legal entity created by two or more parties who share any income earned through the entity. A limited partner is a person or an entity who has no management responsibilities or day-to-day decisions within the business but can provide capital and ownership rights – and in some cases, voting rights. The most common types of limited partnerships in Texas are the traditional limited partnership (LP), family limited partnerships (FLP), and limited liability partnerships (LLP). It is important to familiarize yourself with the in-depth state and local laws around Texas business law.

1. Familiarize Yourself with Texas Business Law

It is important to take the time to read and understand the nuances of the laws in the state of Texas. Many laws regarding limited partnerships are common across the country, while some may be unique to the state. Understanding the differences and specifics between state and federal laws is essential when setting up a limited partnership in Dallas. This time spent will help ensure your business is compliant with all regulation and ultimately save your precious time and resources.

2. Understand the Different Types of Limited Partnerships

When setting up an LP it is important to understand the different types availables, and their limits. The traditional limited partnership is the type most commonly used and the only one with tax advantages. The family limited partnership provides capital and protection to family-owned businesses, while the limited liability partnerships protect business partners from personal liability. Understanding which type of limited partnership is best suited for your business will be essential to setting up a successful partnership.

3. Choose a Partner that Will be Equally Committed

When choosing a partner to set up an LP, it is essential to agree on the goals and ways of the partnership before coming to the table. This means understanding and agreeing upfront on the financial commitments each will bring to the table, the roles each partner will fill, the decision-making process, as well as the structure of the LP. By making sure each partner is committed to the success of the LP can help ensure the partnership runs smoothly in the future.

4. Draft a Comprehensive Agreement

A comprehensive agreement is an important document to have when setting up a limited partnership. It outlines the rights, expectations, and relationships between the two partners. A well written agreement can help prevent any future issues within the partnership by clearly articulating expectations and setting expectations for penalties in the event of breach of contract. In addition, a comprehensive agreement will help eliminate conflicts in the future as it serves as an official document of the harmonious expectations of both parties.

5. Use Experienced Legal Counsel

Finally, understanding the nuances of a limited partnership in the state of Texas often requires the expertise of experienced counsel. UpCounsel is a legal service that provides experienced lawyers in Texas and across the country. Utilizing this platform gives business owners access to high quality lawyers with an average of 14 years experience as well as client ratings and reviews of past work. Allowing this team of legal advisors to review any partnerships you may form will ensure your rights, interests, and business are well protected.

Understanding the nuances of creating a limited partnership in Dallas is important. When setting up an LP, make sure you familiarize yourself with the state and local laws, understand the differences between the types of limited partnerships, be sure the partner you choose is equally committed, draft a comprehensive agreement, and utilize experienced legal counsel to monitor and review any partnership agreements. Doing the due diligence upfront will help ensure your business stays compliant and successful for many years to come.


Limited Partnership,

Texas Business Law,
