For business owners and inventors in Los Angeles, submitting a successful provisional patent application is an important step in protecting their intellectual property. When done correctly, provisional patent applications can help secure the rights of creators, while helping to reduce the paperwork and time required to purchase full patent protection. Getting a provisional patent application accepted and approved is a complex process that requires knowledge of the legal system and intellectual property law. To help protect your invention and ensure that your provisional patent application is successful, there are five key considerations you should keep in mind.

First, you need to make sure that your invention is eligible for a provisional patent application. Before you can apply for a patent, you must determine if the invention you are seeking protection for meets the criteria of a patentable invention. To be patentable, the invention in question must be novel, useful, and not obvious. If your invention falls into these categories, then it’s likely that you are eligible to apply for a provisional patent.

Second, you should carefully research current patent legislation and regulations that may apply to your invention. Before you submit your application, be sure to acquaint yourself with relevant aspects of statewide and federal laws concerning patents. In particular, you should be aware of the criteria related to “prior art”, which consists of any existing knowledge, inventions, or processes that are publicly divulged prior to your provisional patent application submission. Prior art will likely impact both the validity and enforceability of your provisional patent application.

Third, you should develop an in-depth description of your invention and provide multiple drawings and illustrations. A provisional patent application document should include a full description of the invention with all technical specifications along with drawings, sketches, photos, or diagrams that give a clear and detailed representation of your idea. Beside the illustrated components of the invention, diagrams also include labels, notes, and other important information to ensure that your patent is as complete as possible.

Fourth, You should consider seeking the help of experienced business lawyers in Los Angeles. An experienced patent attorney or lawyer can provide invaluable assistance in the filing and approval process of your provisional patent application. Business lawyers that are knowledgeable about the local patent laws are best suited to counsel you and guide you through the complexities of the courts. With their help, you can have a high chance of receiving approval for your patent application.

Finally, when submitting your application, correctly complete and submit all required forms. To increase your chance of obtaining full patent protection, directly file your provisional patent application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). When filing your application with the USPTO, you will need to include any pertinent information concerning your invention and provide all required forms. Make sure to double check these forms prior to filing to make sure that all information is accurate and up-to-date.

By following the five steps outlined above, business owners and inventors in Los Angeles can ensure the success of their provisional patent applications and protect their innovations. As the world’s greatest inventors have demonstrated, successful patent protection is vital to the commercial success of an invention. Whether it’s a brilliant new product, a revolutionary process system, or a clever money-saving U.S. service, patented inventions are well protected by the laws of the USPTO.


Provisional Patent Application,

Business Lawyers,

Local Patent Laws