New Orleans Patent Attorneys & Lawyers for Hire

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Ross B.

Ross Brandborg

469 reviews
Ross Brandborg is an attorney at law with more than 13 years of experience. He has been licensed to practice law in Minnesota and North Dakota. Ross is also a member of the North Dakota Patent Bar. He has a Juris Doctor degree in law, which he obtained after his graduation from the University of North Dakota. He specializes in trademark and copyright law, as well as in patents. Ross founded his own law firm, Brandborg Law, in 2017.
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Richard E.

Richard Eldredge

404 reviews
Richard Eldredge is a corporate attorney and a professor of law. He has over seven years of experience and is licensed to practice law in Texas. Richard is experienced in patents and business formation, as well as trademark and copyright law. He received his degree in law from the La Verne College of Law. Richard has been a patent attorney and engineer at the Eldrege Law Firm since September 2005.
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Alexis S.

Alexis Saenz

94 reviews
Alexis Saenz is a patent attorney who has prepared hundreds of patent applications and responses to the United States Patent and Trademark Office. He mainly works with start-up ventures and mid-sized companies in the growth stage. Alexis' personal experience with a startup company has given him deep insight into the process that guides his patent and intellectual property services.
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Eric A.

Eric Alspaugh

62 reviews
Intellectual property is a very unique area of the law the requires specialized attorneys who have additional training and education. For the complicated area of medicine and medical devices, the IP complexity often increases. Eric B. Alspaugh serves as medical device general counsel or patent counsel for several businesses, a qualification that very few attorneys can boast. His expertise is invaluable to these complicated business ventures.
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Sam G.

Sam Goldstein

56 reviews
Bankruptcy Consultant for Businesses/Individuals considering Chapter 7, 11, or 13 filings, handling both consultation and representation. Small Business professional exp... read more
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Samuel P.

Samuel Pierce

17 reviews
I earned an undergraduate degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and began my career as a financial analyst. I understand how investors look at va... read more
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Richard T.

Richard Topolewski

11 reviews
Richard Topolewski is an intellectual property attorney who has been serving corporate clients for the past seven years. He is licensed to practice law in Michigan and also a member of the Michigan Patent Bar. Richard has a Juris Doctor degree in law, which he obtained from the Thomas M. Cooley Law School. He also holds a Masters in Law. Richard primarily specializes in trademark and copyright law. He has been serving as a freelance intellectual property attorney since March 2017.
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Brooks L.

Brooks Lindsay

5 reviews
Brooks is the Founding Attorney of Light Legal PLLC, providing light-weight, light-speed, top-quality legal services for businesses at about half the price of BigLaw. Brook... read more
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Thomas G.

Thomas Greene

4 reviews
• Founder, The Greene (Liberty Street Law and Liberty Street Capital (Atlanta), Pierpont Stewards Trust (Wyoming), and Trusts & Estates Stewards); • Senior Investment B... read more
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Kumar M.

Kumar Maheshwari

2 reviews
Mr. Maheshwari represents clients in various areas of law, including Patents, Trademarks, Trade Secret, Litigation, Commercial Contracts, Clinical Trial Agreements. In addi... read more
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Why Hire a Patent Attorney

Filing a patent can help protect your invention or idea from duplication. You don't want to come up with a brilliant solution to a common problem only to find that someone else has gotten the jump on producing the product that you conceived of first. You can protect your intellectual property long before you've begun production or marketing by filing the appropriate patent.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) allows anyone to file for a patent, provided they submit the appropriate paperwork and prove that their concept is unique. Obtaining a patent is an incredibly complex process. With over 280,000 patents filed every year, this is an area of extreme competition. Hiring a qualified patent attorney can help you navigate the complications of patent law.

New Orleans inventors have access to several valuable resources including the Troy H. Middleton Library at LSU in Baton Rouge and the Manufacturing Extension Partnership of Louisiana (MEPOL) in Lafayette. However, neither can substitute for the knowledgeable assistance of a patent attorney. You should hire a patent attorney to:

  • Research Your Patent: The first step in filing a patent is conducting a thorough patent search to determine that your invention or concept isn't already patented. Many areas are highly competitive. A patent attorney can help you determine whether your idea is unique enough to pass review.
  • Assist with Provisional Patents: Your provisional patent is a 12-month placeholder that will help you secure quick patenting while you prepare the more complex paperwork needed for the next step of the process.
  • Complete Your Non-Provisional Patent: Your non-provisional patent application is the only one that results in a successful patent. This filing is extremely complex and requires a professional touch.
  • Assist with International Patent Protection: If you file for protection under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PTC) within a year of your original filings, you can apply for protection in any country included under the treaty over the 30 months following.

A New Orleans patent attorney will give you access to the knowledge you need to complete a successful patent application and secure the appropriate patent for your invention.

How to Find the Best Patent Attorney

You'll find many different options for patent attorneys in New Orleans. Louisiana was ranked first in the country for its business climate. It has the fifth-best business infrastructure and third-highest economic growth potential. This is an outstanding area for inventors and entrepreneurs, but you must choose the right services to make sure your patent gets the protection it deserves.

When you're looking for a patent attorney, it's important to consider the following:

  • Licensure and Qualifications: Patent law is considered an exclusive federal law. Though you don't need a lawyer licensed by the Louisiana State Bar, it's advisable to choose someone who is licensed in your state and not another. This will give them more detailed knowledge of the local climate and New Orleans business laws. All patent lawyers must pass the USPTO patent bar exam. If you're working with a professional who hasn't passed this exam, they're likely a patent agent and not a patent attorney.
  • Educational Background: All patent attorneys must have a degree in another area outside of law. This is often a subject such as engineering or chemistry. This education qualifies your patent attorney as an expert in particular areas. Make sure your patent is a fit for your attorney. He or she should be able to converse knowledgeably about the patent's topic. Don't choose someone with a background in engineering for a beauty product. The right fit is key.
  • Professional Experience: Some patents are more complex than others. If there's a lot of competition in your area, you'll want a patent attorney who's experienced with more complex patents. If you want other business services from your patent attorney, this is another important point to consider. Some professionals can also assist with other types of business law, so you can work with a single lawyer or law firm for all your needs.

Take the time to research all your options for patent attorneys in New Orleans. Working with a patent attorney is more expensive than filing a patent on your own, but it's worth the expense when you have the right fit. Choose one that will meet all your needs, whether you're an individual investor or small business.

Questions for a Patent Attorney

  • What costs are associated with filing a patent using your services? What are your hourly fees?
  • How do you communicate with your clients? Do you schedule frequent in-person meetings or communicate via phone and email for most purposes?
  • What type of clients do you work with? Do you work with independent inventors?
  • Do you handle patent searches personally?
  • Will you provide a written patentability opinion for me?

A qualified New Orleans patent attorney will help you secure your patent and protect your intellectual property for the greatest benefit.

Why use UpCounsel to hire a New Orleans Patent Attorney?

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Legal Services Offered by Our On-Demand New Orleans Patent Attorneys

Our experienced New Orleans patent attorneys & lawyers represent individuals and businesses throughout the world with domestic and foreign patent preparation and prosecution matters. They have extensive experience handling applications from nearly every sector of technology, including biotechnology, computer hardware and software, communication networks, internet systems and methods, automotive, medical equipment, construction technology, consumer electronics, and clean technology research and development.

Our patent attorneys are of the most highly trained in the industry, requiring a scientific background, and passing a second level of testing known as the Patent Bar Examination. Thousands of patents are submitted to the patent office every day and a patent committee reviews each patent for its validity. The process requires that correctly drafted documentation present a clear case for the novelty of the invention, which is best made by a patent attorney with a higher education background in your industry.

Our New Orleans patent attorneys & lawyers can help you file a provisional patent, which lasts for 1-year and allows you to immediately begin using/manufacturing your invention with the confidence that your idea is protected. These types of patents are great if you think your idea will change a lot over the next year before you file a (non-provisional) patent. These patents are easier to obtain and are less expensive but you should have a patent lawyer review your provisional patent application to insure that you are meeting your objectives when you file your patent.

If You Need Ongoing Legal Counsel or Ad-hoc Legal Work - We Can Help!

Improve Your Legal ROI with Affordable Patent Attorneys that service New Orleans, LA.

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