An Oregon certificate of good standing serves as proof that you have obtained the proper authorization to conduct business in the state of Oregon. This document is also known in the state of Oregon as a certificate of existence. The Oregon Secretary of State is responsible for issuing the good-standing certificate.

Purposes for the Oregon Certificate of Good Standing

There are a number of reasons a business needs this document, including:

  • It's usually a requirement that a business has this certificate in order to get a bank loan.
  • It's required when you are ready to renew your business license.
  • It's required for tax purposes as well as other business needs.
  • It officially affirms that your business exists.
  • It certifies you're permitted to conduct business transactions in Oregon.
  • It attests to the fact that you have met all the state's requirements and are in good standing.
  • It's a requirement when you are qualifying to expand in a foreign country or another state.

The Role of the Certificate of Good Standing in Expanding Abroad

When a company decides to expand abroad, it might be necessary for it to get a certificate of good standing and have it certified for foreign use. The ways to get it certified for foreign use are by Apostille and by Embassy Certification. The steps to request your company's certificate of existence include:

  1. Visit the Oregon Secretary of State website and download the Certificate of Existence application form.
  2. Fill out the application form completely and correctly. It won't be accepted without the necessary information about your business.
    • The necessary information begins with your chosen payment method. If you're using a credit card to pay, you'll need to add your card number, the card's expiration date, the full name on the card, and the card's billing address including your city, state, and zip code.
    • The form also requires the name of your business, your name, your mailing address, and full phone number.
    • Choose your delivery option.
    • Note whether you are applying for status or existence.
    • Finally, add your entity name and its registry number.
  3. Review your application to be sure everything has been entered properly.
  4. Mail the application form to:

Secretary of State

Corporation Division

255 Capitol St NE

Suite 151

Salem, OR 97310-1327

Filing the Certificate of Existence Application Form

The local name is Certificate of Existence, and the agency you apply to is the Oregon Secretary of State - Corporations Division. The form name is Request for Certificate, and the filing fee is $10. This applies to:

In Good Standing's Meaning

The Oregon Secretary of State issues the document known as a certificate of existence. The document indicates that a business entity is in good standing, meaning that the business in question is up to date and its validity has been confirmed. This includes having all paperwork correctly filed, no outstanding debts owed, and no active delinquent accounts.

Why Another Business Might Request a Certificate of Existence From You

On occasion, another organization might require your business to be in good standing before agreeing to do business with you. This applies to high-risk transactions like bank loans or extending another form of credit.

Requesting a certificate of good standing for your business in Oregon is easy to do, and you can file the application through the mail. All companies that are registered as business entities in Oregon are authorized to request a certificate of existence from Oregon's secretary of state, with the one important note that the business must actually be in good standing.

What to Expect

When you file for a certificate of existence for your business, expect it to take a few days. The time the secretary of state requires for processing is usually three business days, plus it takes time in the mail once it's been processed. To file for a certificate of good standing, your business has to be registered as a domestic or foreign entity with the state. You must also have all of your annual reports filed.

If you need help with an Oregon certificate of good standing, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.