NC LLC Lookup

When it comes to an NC LLC look up, business searches are conducted to get the following results:

• To see if the business is in good standing

• To see if it was formed legally

• Physical address

• Address of the registered agent

North Carolina provides a business search tool that’s also used to perform vital administrative duties for your LLC. You can also use this tool to do the following:

• File annual reports

• Amend existing annual reports

• Preview documents you filed in the past.

To conduct the search, you must start by going to the online database and submit your entity name in the blank field. You can also choose from a drop-down menu and go to the search type.

Once you choose the name, you can spot the entity name within the list generated by the database. Click on the appropriate entity name to get more details about the organization. You may view all information documented by the Secretary of State’s office. If you are signed into your personal account, you may buy a Certificate of Existence or other forms of documentation.

Searching for a Registered Agent

If you’re searching for a registered agent, you may choose the registered agent field, located in the second drop-down column. There, you can pick search directives and enter the entity name, organization or individual. Input the registered agent’s name, and click the search button to proceed. The results will appear slightly different from a corporate name search. You can view the individual or entity name appearing on the left side, viewing the overall number of existing businesses in the right-hand listing. Click on the name to view any pertinent agent information.

Name Availability

This type of availability search is conducted when you first create your LLC in North Carolina.

Before deciding, there are certain rules you must adhere to before registering the entity name. First, search the name availability function to see if your chosen name is already in use within the state. Ensure that you enter the name in exact detail to ensure the name complies with state guidelines. You can also check the URL to find out if the intended LLC name can also be used to create a website. If you do not intend to make a website, consider purchasing the domain anyway to prevent others from using your LLC name online.

Further, get a professional email address that matches your business, and you can take advantage of quality business tools such as high security, cloud shortage and others.

Forming an LLC in North Carolina

After you decide the appropriate name, you must do the following to make your LLC official:

• __Conduct Research:**** Do your due diligence to make certain your entity name matches your business endeavors and can be searched easily by potential clients.

• __Adhere to Name Guidelines:**** Your LLC name must include “L.L.C.” or “LLC” at the end of the title. Restricted words include “Bank,” “Attorney,” or “University.” Prohibited words include names associated with any government agency, such as “Secret Service” or “FBI.”

Creating the LLC

An article of organization is the primary document you file when creating your LLC. When filing, decide if your organization is member-managed or manager-managed. Pay the $125 filing fee to officially register your organization. From there, you should draft an operating agreement to outline the roles and duties of each member, including compensation guidelines and management structure. An operating agreement is not mandatory, but it is a good document to draft to keep the business well-maintained and organized.

Registered Agents

The registered agent is an appointed representative that handles official documents on behalf of the organization. For instance, an agent may accept court papers for the LLC and file annual reports. North Carolina law mandates certain requirements for registered agents:

• All LLCs must appoint a registered agent

• The agent must have a physical address in North Carolina and operate under normal business hours

The appointed agent can be yourself or anyone within your organization. Your application risks rejection if you fail to appoint a registered agent. If you need to notify another agent, you may send a certified letter to the agent at his or her office address.

A process server usually delivers official documents to registered agents, and the server usually gives notice to the courts that the agent received the documentation. The agent will then forward the documents to the business. An LLC or agent does not have to view the documents, but only needs to physically receive the papers to qualify as an official serve.

To get more information on NC LLC look up, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel’s marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.