Knowing how to write a board resolution is an essential part of performing the business operations of a company. Resolutions are essentially a formal way of stating the intended actions performed by a group of people. Some important things to understand about board resolutions are that:

  • They are original motions.
  • They need to be officially submitted in writing.
  • They will need to be brought to the floor during a meeting for an official adoption.
  • They are the perfect way to handle problems, situations, or concerns that can affect a business entity.

Tips For Drafting Your Board Resolution

There are many tips that you should try to follow when creating your board resolution such as:

  • Clearly identifying your issue but keeping it simple.
  • Ensuring the issue has not already been realized by local, state, or federal government agencies.
  • Making sure you research your issue properly.
  • Having a section that supports the statements.
  • Relating the issue and areas of concern that the issue addresses, being sure to name any relevant policies.
  • Providing truthful and verifiable references and sources.
  • Reasons why the resolution should be adopted, typically started with the term "whereas."

When drafting the "whereas" section of the board resolution, you should make sure that each clause included is followed by a comma and then the word "and." Once you have drafted the last clause, follow it with a colon. There are many linking terms and phrases that can be used to connect the various clauses in the resolution, including:

  • Acknowledging
  • Alarmed
  • Approving
  • Concerned
  • Confident
  • Convinced
  • Declaring
  • Desiring
  • Deploring
  • Determined
  • Emphasizing
  • Endorsing
  • Expecting
  • Fulfilling
  • Mindful
  • Observing
  • Realizing
  • Recognizing
  • Reiterating
  • Seeking
  • Stressing
  • Welcoming

Resolved Clauses

In the section referred to as the resolved clauses, the reader of the resolution will be able to determine the action that he is being requested to take. This section should be the strongest part. When drafting the resolved clause section, you should make sure that it always starts with a verb to keep the language active. In between each of the operative clauses, you should have a semi-colon with the last one being followed by a period. Some of the most common phrases that initiate the resolved clauses in a section include:

  • Accepts
  • Adopts
  • Affirms
  • Appeals
  • Appreciates
  • Approves
  • Authorizes
  • Calls upon
  • Commends
  • Concurs
  • Condemns
  • Confirms
  • Declares
  • Designates
  • Directs
  • Promotes
  • Recognizes
  • Recommends
  • Seeks
  • Suggests
  • Supports
  • Urges

Board Resolution Introduction

You may need to write a board resolution for a number of things that a company will need to do, such as opening up corporate accounts. When writing your board resolution, remember to:

  • Have the board resolution printed on company letterhead.
  • Have the resolution signed by at least two directors of the company at a board meeting.
  • Have your company seal added to the resolution.

Using the example of a bank account, a company will need to pass a board resolution for each account that it plans to open. Typically, these resolutions are among the first that a company will pass. You will need to use a board resolution to open a company bank account for the following business entities.

If the company is owned by one person, then the sole director of the company will need to create and pass the resolution to open the account. A board resolution can also name one or multiple officers and directors who can open and operate company accounts on their behalf. You will need to maintain copies of the board resolution with your other business documents.

Writing a Board Resolution for Property Management

It is important to remember that board members of property management companies are volunteers and are not necessarily professionally trained in management procedures, though they are responsible for implementing the policies of associations. These resolutions are commonly determined by board members, who formalize the policies and create the rules that govern properties and homeowners' associations. The resolution will need to spell out the who, what, where, why, and how of the policies being discussed.

If you need help with how to write a board resolution, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.