Company boilerplate examples are different versions of a written paragraph that is essentially an “about us” statement. It is usually placed at the end of a press release and will let the reader know who is pitching the press release. This will help them gain insight into the company's history and products.

You might be tempted to just copy and paste your company biography from the official website or a recent trade show marketing folder, but it's not recommended. You should draft this boilerplate language from scratch since it's the first chance for you to make an impression on the reader. It will show them what your brand is all about and tells the reader why they should care about your message and your products. It must be informative, but also engaging.

All businesses should create their own boilerplate copy, and you may even have a great version without even realizing it. Having a regular go-to boilerplate copy will save you time in the long run since you can just copy and paste it whenever needed for a new press release. Plus, it ensures you are putting forth a consistent brand message in your marketing materials.

What to Include in Your Boilerplate

  • Be sure you set your brand apart from others — discuss important company values, list a few recent accomplishments, etc.
  • Keep your boilerplate concise, preferably at or under 100 words.
  • Be sure there is a call to action and provide a link to your website, social media channels, or wherever you want to direct readers to learn more about your company.
  • Include a brief description of your services and/or products and who your customer base is.
  • Don't forget to include your philosophy or mission.
  • Emphasize why you are great, but keep the over-used terms like “best” “or “fastest” to a minimum.
  • Don't use any industry terms or complex jargon that makes it hard to read.
  • You can also incorporate some SEO elements if you have search terms or keywords you are trying to rank for, but be sure it still flows.
  • If you have an important and genuine edge over your competition, like you sell to 85 percent of all the businesses in your industry, then mention it.
  • If you are publicly traded, include your stock symbols.

Tips for an Effective Boilerplate

Remember that an effective boilerplate shouldn't just describe your business and what you offer/sell, it should also describe what needs or problems your business addresses. You can start by describing what you do and how you help customers/clients in your industry.

If it's not prohibited to disclose, you can include prestigious client names. This is a great way to establish credibility in your industry and attract new customers/clients. That being said, sometimes leaving information out is also beneficial. Many boilerplates include the year the company was founded. This is great for a business that has been around 30 years. If you are a business that has only been around a year, do you really want to highlight that?

In addition to making sure your boilerplate has everything, it's good to review it every once in a while. It may be worth rewriting if you land a big client or win a prestigious award. Also, be mindful of how many links you add to your boilerplate as search engines might read some as making your content appear spammy if it has a handful of links that keep reappearing.

What Makes Some Boilerplates Effective

  • A well-rounded boilerplate that includes all the highlights and focuses on their consumer value, including a short summary of their unique offerings.
  • A company who is socially-savvy and has a strong presence on social media may want to direct viewers to their social media channels and encourage readers to connect on a more personal level.
  • A short and sweet boilerplate that sums up the business's purpose, names clients, and gives readers a link to find out more.
  • A boilerplate for an event or attraction that provides a map for readers to learn more in real life. Rather than drive traffic to the website, they want to drive traffic to their event or attraction.
  • A data-driven boilerplate that focuses on numbers and backs up claims with statistics and visual proof through numbers.

Who Reads a Boilerplate?

  • Potential new investors who pay close attention to every word looking for clues about the business's future.
  • Possible new customers who want to see if your business fits their needs.
  • Current employees who want to explain their work to family and friends.
  • Job seekers doing interview preparation.

If you need help with company boilerplate examples, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel only accepts the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.