Key Takeaways:

  • Anonymous LLC States: Delaware, Nevada, New Mexico, and Wyoming allow the formation of anonymous LLCs with varying levels of privacy.
  • Privacy Benefits: Anonymous LLCs protect members’ identities, offering confidentiality and reducing risks of harassment or privacy breaches.
  • Additional Requirements: Banks and the IRS require identification for EINs and account setup despite anonymity in state records.
  • Legal and Tax Responsibilities: Anonymous LLCs are subject to the same lawsuits, tax obligations, and federal laws as traditional LLCs.
  • State-by-State Comparison: Delaware offers unique legal protections; New Mexico is cost-effective with no annual fees; Wyoming excels in low taxes and privacy.

Anonymous LLC states are those where LLCs are being formed and do not require the owners/members or managers to provide their identities. Hence, the name used is "anonymous LLC." An anonymous LLC may also be referred to as a "confidential LLC" or a "private LLC."

Benefits of Anonymous LLC States

There are several benefits for registering as an anonymous LLC rather than as a public entity.

  • For legal purposes, there is no difference between registering an anonymous LLC and a regular LLC where identification information is supplied.
  • LLCs are flexible by allowing partners to join companies at different stages.
  • Most states require that identities be disclosed not only for the member and managers associated with the LLC but also for the Registered Agent and the person(s) responsible for organizing the LLC.
  • Registering as an anonymous LLC helps prevent potentially dangerous individuals, such as stalkers and criminals, from having access to your information to use in a malicious or harassing manner.
  • An anonymous LLC owner can conduct business without being associated with any negative fallout that may be generated from the business.
  • An anonymous LLC receives the same benefits as those provided to a regular LLC. Benefits include tax advantages, flexibility, survivability, and limited liability protection.

Enhanced Privacy Measures Across States

Anonymous LLCs serve diverse groups, from high-profile individuals like celebrities to entrepreneurs protecting their ventures' early stages. The unique appeal lies in safeguarding members' identities, which can deter malicious entities. For example, Delaware's Court of Chancery is renowned for protecting business owners during legal disputes, while New Mexico avoids listing owners' names entirely. Privacy-conscious states like Wyoming offer “nominee services,” ensuring that listed representatives maintain the owner’s confidentiality.

Information About Contracts and an Anonymous LLC State

  • When dealing with contracts, it is customary for the legal name of the LLC to be included in the contract.
  • When the contract is executed, the person designated for the LLC must provide a signature, name, position within the company, and appropriate identification.
  • You can preserve your identity by putting "Authorized Representative" or "Member" on the form where it asks for your name and title. You would then sign your name.
  • If your name is put on the form, check the contract to make sure a confidentiality clause protecting your identity is included before signing. There should also be specified liquidated damages in the event that your personal identity is disclosed.
  • When dealing with commercial leases, it is common for a landlord to require personal guarantees for any anonymous LLC tenants.
  • In a contract with a landlord, be sure a confidentiality clause is clearly stated in the contract that not only holds the landlord responsible for disclosure of your personal identity but also his employees, agents, contractors, representatives, and anyone else affiliated with the landlord who would have access to the confidential information and could disclose it.
  • Anonymous LLCs are taxed just like any other LLC.

Contract Negotiations and Anonymity Risks

When signing contracts, anonymous LLC owners should carefully review disclosure clauses to ensure their identity remains confidential. Using professional third-party services, such as registered agents or organizers, mitigates risks. It’s also wise to include indemnity clauses that protect the LLC against third-party disclosures.

Commercial lease contracts are particularly sensitive. Many landlords require personal guarantees despite LLC anonymity. Clarifying confidentiality responsibilities for all involved parties ensures robust identity protection. For additional privacy, use business-specific email addresses and phone numbers to separate personal and business communications.

Cons of an Anonymous LLC

There are a few things to consider that may have a negative effect on an anonymous LLC.

  • Registering as an anonymous LLC does not guarantee complete anonymity from your bank or from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
  • It does not exclude the business from paying taxes.
  • As an anonymous LLC, the business is subject to lawsuits and, through a subpoena filed by an attorney, can be required to identify the owners.
  • Any third-party person or organization doing business with an anonymous LLC is subject to the legal system of the state. This means a third-party can be subpoenaed by the court as well as state and federal agencies.
  • A Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is necessary to open a bank account if you plan to open an anonymous LLC. You can apply online for a number on the IRS website.
  • To open a bank account for an anonymous LLC requires that you have a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), also referred to as an EIN. Banks are required to identify those authorized on a bank account due to federal regulations.
  • Information required to obtain a FEIN includes the name of the business owner or the person controlling the anonymous LLC, an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), Social Security number, or FEIN.
  • The registered agent, organizer, or mail provider for your anonymous LLC could be subpoenaed and also expose your personal information during litigation.

Compliance Challenges and Legal Exposures

While anonymous LLCs offer privacy, they do not shield members from legal obligations or compliance mandates. For instance, while states like Nevada and Wyoming emphasize privacy, they also enforce rigorous tax filings. Moreover, anonymous LLC owners may need to respond to subpoenas requiring identity disclosure.

Beyond compliance, maintaining anonymity can incur additional costs. Hiring professional registered agents or nominee services ensures legal filings do not compromise privacy but comes at a premium. Consider integrating legal reviews periodically to maintain compliance with evolving state and federal laws.

Benefits of an Anonymous LLC

Many small businesses like an LLC over a corporation because it's flexible, inexpensive, and easy to maintain. It's also a cost-effective way to ensure your company survives your incapacitation or death, which is a benefit to your estate or family. With LLCs, you can separate business functions and/or key assets, which gives you the flexibility to vary the ownership of each. You can merge or liquidate these assets or functions easily as compared to them being one large whole.

With an anonymous LLC, there are additional unique benefits like confidentiality, privacy protection, and harassment prevention. Because ownership is not publicly available, they are privately protected. Someone cannot go look up an anonymous LLC's list of owners, which is what helps prevent them from being harassed due to a variety of different issues. There is typically more trust and a higher level of confidentiality between members because business deals are done in an anonymous manner.

People who have been victims of abuse often prefer an anonymous LLC because it allows them to remain hidden. His or her abuser cannot look up their information. Other people who are celebrities or public figures who want to limit harassment or keep overzealous fans from showing up on their doorstep are also ideal candidates for an anonymous LLC. Some business owners who may run a controversial type of company may prefer an anonymous LLC as well, as they want to keep customers or protestors from finding out where they live and harassing their families.

Another type of business owner who might prefer an anonymous LLC is an entrepreneur who is looking to leave their current job and wants to avoid any awkwardness on what they are doing on the side. This gives them the freedom to seek investors and work on a new product or service without risking their standing with or the reputation of their current employer.

Which States Are the Best to Form an Anonymous LLC In?

Because there are only four states that permit anonymous LLCs, your options are limited. Delaware is one of the best options, and it is the only state that has the Court of Chancery that is streamlined and dedicated to business matters. The state laws offer additional personal liability protections and are vigilant about keeping fraudulent LLCs out of Delaware.

There is no corporate income tax requirement, but Delaware does require a yearly $300 franchise tax. It does not require businesses to list the names of directors, officers, corporation shareholders, and LLC members and managers. However, the Articles still mandate you name a registered agent and an organizer/incorporator. This means that in order to have total privacy, you will need to hire third parties to serve in these roles.

If confidentiality and privacy are your top concerns, New Mexico is another excellent option. Of the four states where anonymous LLCs are allowed, New Mexico is the only other one that doesn't require an LLC to disclose any individual names to the state. Each of the other states requires the LLC to disclose the owners to the state. This means if laws change, your information could be published without your consent or knowledge.

Other advantages in New Mexico include cheap filing fees and no annual reports, fees or taxes. Like Delaware, you would still need a third-party registered agent and organizer in New Mexico to keep total privacy. However, New Mexico requires you to file corporate income taxes. This is not necessarily a concern for LLCs with only one member, or ones who are pass-through entities, because the LLC doesn't pay any income tax as itself. A single member LLC is seen as a “disregarded entity,” which means their profits and losses are recorded on the individual IRS Form 1040 Schedule C. Other pass-through business entities should file a zero-tax tax form.

Wyoming might be your best option if your primary concern is keeping taxes low. There is no requirement for corporate income tax for an LLC in the state. Wyoming does require an annual fee for your annual report, which may be around $50 depending on assets you have in the state.

Along with Delaware and Wyoming, Nevada is considered an ideal state for incorporation thanks to a combination of favorable laws and other factors. Both Wyoming and Nevada allow the “nominee service,” which allows you to replace real owners named by nominees whose names appear in public records.

Costs and Privacy Comparisons by State

Here’s a comparison of key factors for each state:

  • Delaware: Known for its dedicated business court, Delaware offers unparalleled legal protections. Annual franchise tax is $300, with privacy ensured through nominee services.
  • New Mexico: Offers the lowest startup costs, no annual fees, and no state reporting requirements for anonymity.
  • Wyoming: Renowned for low annual fees ($50) and a lack of corporate income tax. Nominee services enhance privacy but incur additional costs.
  • Nevada: Known for strong asset protection laws and privacy, though its high state fees may deter some.

When selecting a state, consider your privacy, legal, and financial priorities to align with available offerings.

Reasons Delaware is Popular for Anonymous Companies

Delaware is said to have more corporations than actual residents. It's estimated that a majority of Fortune 500 companies are incorporated there. Reasons so many companies incorporate in the state are because of its “business-friendly” climate, the fact it has lower corporate tax versus other states, and it features a well-defined set of corporate laws. These factors, combined with the simplicity of setting up an anonymous company make Delaware an ideal place to establish a business that you don't want others to know about or show you are connected to.

There has been some change to this system in recent years, both at the state and federal level. Two laws were passed in Delaware in 2014 that mandate companies registered in the state name someone who knows the legal owners, however, the legal owners can still be another anonymous company. The information would have to be ascertained through a subpoena. There was no requirement that information is collected about the “real” owners. While there have been some changes in recent years, Delaware is hesitant to overhaul the system since anonymous companies make up a large portion of the state's income.

FAQ Section:

  1. What is an anonymous LLC?
    An anonymous LLC is a business structure where owners' identities are not disclosed in state records, ensuring privacy and confidentiality.
  2. Which states allow anonymous LLCs?
    Delaware, Nevada, New Mexico, and Wyoming permit the formation of anonymous LLCs with varying levels of privacy.
  3. Does forming an anonymous LLC guarantee complete anonymity?
    No, banks, the IRS, and legal obligations may require identity disclosure despite state-level anonymity.
  4. Can anonymous LLCs face lawsuits?
    Yes, anonymous LLCs can be subject to lawsuits, and owners may need to disclose their identities under subpoena.
  5. What are nominee services in anonymous LLCs?
    Nominee services allow a third party to represent the LLC publicly, keeping the owners' identities private.

If you need help with anonymous LLC states, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.